Saturday, May 31, 2014

Baseus Sky Light Bumper iPhone 5/5S

Baseus Sky Light Bumper iPhone 5/5S

1. Hippocampus automatic deduction, a deduction that is fit, easy to install!
2. Slim metal frame, high-end atmospheric on the grade, close protection, 100% restore iPhone texture!
3. Three protection (1. Swiss watch oxide polishing process, smooth metallic luster; 2. Aerospace aluminum alloy, ultra-lightweight, ultra-wearable does not fade; 3. The built-in  shock EVA cushioning cotton, anti-friction, more fit!)
4. Seiko meticulous crafted. Signal position hollow design, the received signal no obstruction; pit design, from non-slip, decorative effect bilateral border 0.15mm elevation, the effective protection of the fuselage.
5. Increase lanyard hole design, mo convenient to carry

Available Color:
1. Black
2. Silver
3. Champagne Gold
4. Grey
5. Rose Gold


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